
teaching fundermentals


Our Models are designed to enhance the existing knowledge, skills, and attitude of journalists/media persons by enabling participants:

  • Develop deep understanding of socio-economic and nation building issues and the forces, which shape, influence, and constrain development
  • Expand existing knowledge of the role and contribution of news media and interrogate the state of the Ghanaian news media in contemporary socio-economic development and nation building
  • Refine skills fundamental to effective journalistic storytelling, focusing on development
  • Consider laws, regulations and ethics and the ways in which they interact with effective practice of journalism in the country
  • Appreciate the role of investigative journalism within the framework of institutionalising Efficiency, Accountability and Transparency in the Public, Private and Not for Profit Sectors
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Media, Socio-Economic Development, and Nation Building
Media, Socio-Economic Development, and Nation Building

The module is to examine the concept of socio-economic development and nation building and what it is all about and why it is necessary for journalists

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Ethics and the Journalism Mission
Ethics and the Journalism Mission

Ethics in the sense of independence from undue influence is arguably one of the fundamental principles of journalism, and for development, it is vital for credibility.

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Impact Journalism
Impact Journalism

This module explores how to make stories interesting, compelling, and easy-to-read, listen or watch.

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Law and Journalism Practice

This module focuses on the law as it applies in Ghana and any journalist/media person intending to practice will be required to study and understand the law.

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Digital Media and online Journalism

Advances in media technology and organisation of public life have demanded changes in the practice of journalism.

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Investigative Journalism

This module covers the significance, the process of investigative reporting, how to find and use human and written sources and the challenges investigative reporters face

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